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Method for extracting all of the texts comments and notes and highlights from a pdf 5-2-15
Method for extracting all of the texts comments and notes and highlights from a pdf 5-2-15 -[extract highlights from pdf with zotfile 02-02-2015d1206] --This looks like the very best free way that I have found. This method is not the most user friendly at first, but once you see how it works one time it is not too bad, and the method seems quite powerful and effective. -I thought there might be a good Android app for extracting comments from a pdf, but this doesn't really seem to be the case as of 5-3-15 --I tried the "Pdf Note Extractor" app on android from Monasoft Inc., but this just seemed to crash with large pdfs --I tried the iAnnotate Android app, but I couldn't seem to get this to work -extracting summarizing comments with PDF-X Change Viewer -Method for extracting comments with foxit reader -there is also the sumnotes website, but I think this costs money depending on how much you want to highlight