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Main configurations that I like in notepadplusplus 09-19-2014d2253
lMain configurations that I like in notepadplusplus 09-19-2014d2253 Main configurations that I like in notepad plus plus Main configurations that I like in notepad++ How to prevent new instances from opening the last file -Settings->preferences->Backup->uncheck remember current session for next launch --old (pre 09-19-2014d2301. . Settings->preferences->miscellaneous tab (MISC.)->uncheck remember current session for next launch) Auto-save in Notepad++ -Install autosave plugin by adding the plugin to the plugin directory. Autosave plugin can be found here https://sites.google.com/site/fstellari/nppplugins or http://lifehacker.com/5303634/autosave-adds-reassurance-to-notepad%252B%252B-editing make notepad++ open a new instance rather than a tab create a totally empty file called 'asNotepad.xml' and put it in the Notepad++ directory at the same level as the notepad++.exe file -http://superuser.com/questions/202399/how-to-make-notepad-open-each-file-i n-new-window put notepad++ in taskbar by searching for notepad++ from windows 8 from pop out menu on right side of screen->right click->pin to taskbar -Note that istead of this method, you probably want to put the modified shortcut on the taskbar as desribed above. turn off auto-completion in notepad++: settings->preferences->autocompletion -http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21263705/how-do-i-stop-notepad-from-showing-autocomplete-for-all-words-in-the-file (I think this change isn't really necessary after you change notepad++ to open a new instance rather than a tab) Change the shortcut so that it opens a new instance -First you can create a shortcut, and put it in a folder on the desktop or something -Right click shortcut->properties->shortcut tab->add " -multiInst" to the end of the target --example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" -multiInst --info from here: http://theitbros.com/open-new-instance-of-notepad/ -then right click the shortcut and pin it to the taskbar