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Immunosignatures can predict vaccine efficacy paper 02-28-2014d1558
Immunosignatures can predict vaccine efficacy paper 02-28-2014d1558 -http://www.pnas.org/content/110/46/18614.short -"C:\Users\kurtw_000\Box Sync\DocDR\2013\12-11-2013d0915\Immunosignatures can predict vaccine efficacy.pdf" -paper by Bart -By using a mouse in?uenza infection, we show that the immunosignaturing of a natural infection can be used to discriminate a protective from nonprotective vaccine. - Further, we demonstrate that an immuno- signature can determine which mice receiving the same vaccine will survive. -Finally, we show that the peptides comprising the correlate signatures of protection can be used to identify possible epitopes in the in?uenza virus proteome that are correlates of protection. -data reported in this paper have been de- posited in the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database, -Correlates of protection are immune responses that are speci ? c products of the vaccine and statistically associated with pro- tection -Here we eval- uate whether immunosignatures can characterize and stratify vaccines into those that are ef ? cacious and those that are not. -On a ? ner scale, individual monoclonal antibodies bind to a surprisingly large number of random-sequence peptides and are detectable within a complex mixture of competing antibodies (7, 12) -in?uenza model, A/PR/ 8/34 -study plan: 5 groups of 10 female BALB/c mice were immunized. Challenged with H1N1 A/PR/8/34 (PR8 virus). 3 groups vaccinated with inactivated viruses: killed PR8 and the two seasonal vaccines: A/Wisconsin/67/2005 (H3N2) and B/ Malaysia/2506/2004. Mock vaccination group. 5th group vaccinated a single time with a sublethal dose of live PR8 virus -The two seasonal vaccines were partially protective, re- sulting in 60% and 80% survival. -Live and Inactive In?uenza Immunizations Produce Different Immu- nosignatures -The Immunosignature Can Distinguish Closely Related Vaccines -The Immunosignature of a Known Protective Response Can Predict Outcome Following Challenge --SAM algorithm uses a permuted t-test -Seasonal Vaccine Recipients Have Distinct Immunosignatures, Which Correlate with Outcome Following PR8 Challenge --Hamming distance -The Immunosignature Can Be Bioinformatically Tracked Back to the Epitopes on the A/PR/8/34 Proteins. -To extend the analysis of potential correlates of protection, an informatics analysis of the 94 peptides distinguishing the sur- viving and nonsurviving mice from each other was conducted. Thirty-eight of these peptides that were increasingly recognized in the survivors vs. those that died. - Systems vaccinology -Apart from vaccine development, the ability to predict whether an individual would survive a lethal infection may have appli- cation in the public health response to pandemic disease