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Forum talkstats for Statistics and R Statistics Programming Language 11-19-2014d0939
Forum talkstats for Statistics and R Statistics Programming Language 11-19-2014d0939 talkstats.com talk stats -[pr_talkstats login info 11-19-2014d0939] Some events -post about "How to add horizontal lines above bar graph to display p-values " --http://www.talkstats.com/showthread.php/58522-How-to-add-horizontal-lines-above-bar-graph-to-display-p-values?p=166687#post166687 { How can I make a graph with horizontal lines above bars in a bar graph to display p-values to indicate a significant difference between groups? This is very common to see in research papers, but I have always manually had to draw these lines on top of the graph. Everyone else I talk to also manually draws these lines. Is there anyway to automatically have these lines inserted into a graph using the R statistics programming language or some other software/language? Here is an example of the type of graph I am talking about: http://thejns.org/action/showPopup?c...2007.106.6.501 Thanks for any help and information you have to offer me! } --related info to this post { How to add horizontal lines above bar graph to display p-values? -http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/How-to-add-horizontal-lines-above-bar-graph-to-display-p-values-td3756350.html --example: http://thejns.org/action/showPopup?citid=citart1&id=f3-1060501&doi=10.3171%2Fped.2007.106.6.501 }