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Chromium Release CTL Assay with Ova 8-21-12
azim58 - Chromium Release CTL Assay with Ova 8-21-12 Chromium Release CTL Assay with Ova 8-21-12 I repeated the experiment from before using the intended E:T ratios 100, 30, 10, 3 (I made a pipetting error during the last experiment which prevented me from using these ratios). During this experiment I thought I had enough effectors left over from before, but many of them had died off over several days. I had to obtain the spleen from another Ova mouse, and this delayed the amount of time I planned to pulse my target cells (about 5 hr instead of 2 hr). I hope that the target cells survived this treatment and retained the peptide. I will find out the results soon. Item: Ova Mouse sera 8-21-12 KW at CTL 6-13-11 Plate Map "C:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2012\8-21-12\ctl\ctl plate map 8-21-12.xlsx" Summary of Results "C:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2012\8-22-12\ctl\Summary of Ova CTL Experiment 8.docx" Version of file for indexing 8-22-12 10-9-12 The 6 hr plate was read again to see how much the radiation decreased after more than one month. Results stored here "C:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2012\10-9-12\CTL\Images\recount of old plate\recount of 8-21-12 ova plate.jpg" Image of old plate "C:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2012\8-22-12\ctl\ova ctl 6 hr 8-22-12.jpg" The radiation did decrease, but was still very detectable.