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Analysis of Top Clones 11-19-12
azim58 - Analysis of Top Clones 11-19-12 Analysis of Top Clones 11-19-12 I need to do a more thorough analysis of the top clones found here 8-26-12 Plasmids for verification I need to know where the start codon is, where the plasmid part ends and the insert begins, what the gene aligns to, and whether or not the gene is a mutation or a frameshift. =========================================================================== 11-25-12 Earlier when I determined what the sequence aligns to, I aligned to all mouse sequences. However, I should have just aligned to the mouse refseq so that I did not obtain multiple alignments to the same things. I will look at the analysis again. This time I think I will make a powerpoint slide for each gene. On it I will have the DNA sequence the gene aligns to and which frame it is in. I will also capture an image of the alignment. I will also have which protein sequence it aligns to. I will also capture an image of the alignment. Here is a template of the info I want to include "C:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2012\11-25-12\cDNA Sequence Analysis\Alignment Info Template 11-25-12.pptx" Sequence Info found here "C:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2012\11-25-12\cDNA Sequence Analysis\cDNA Sequence Analysis with source info 11-25-12.pptx"