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Add PolyT near Lac Promoter 9-18-12
azim58 - Add PolyT near Lac Promoter 9-18-12 9-18-12 Plan to add poly T near Lac promoter with new primers (the old primers were incorrect). This time I will use a high fidelity polymerase such as Advantage 2 rather than Primestar to avoid many non-specific bands. I will simultaneously perform the reactions with the RPTFC as well as the RPTFCB primers. Updated Oligos for adding polyT APT (for add polyT) GCTGGTTTCGCTACCGTGGCCCTTTTTTTTTTTTGGCCCAGGCGGCCGAGCTCGCCATG RPTFC (for reverse polyT fragment corrected) AAAAAAAAAGCGGCCGCCTAGTAGAACCGTAG APT2 (for add polyT 2 which corrects any mistakes with the 1st long primer APT) GTTTCGCTACCGGGCCCTTT RPTFC2 AAAAAAAAAGCGGCCGCAGAACC SAPTFC (for sequence add polyT forward corrected) AGCGCCCAATACGCAAACCG SAPTRC (for sequence add polyT reverse corrected) TGTGGAATTGTGAGCGGATAACAATTTC I also have two backup primers in case these ones do not work. RPTFCB (for reverse poly T fragment corrected backup) GCTAAAAAAAAAAAAAGCGGCCGCCTAGTAGAACCGTAG RPTFC2B (for reverse poly T fragment corrected 2 backup) GCTAAAAAAAAAAAAAGCGGCCGCAGAACC To use these primers, I need to cut the plasmid that has already been modified with SfiI and NotI (MN 7-21-12 (MN is for modified NotI)). The fragment needs to be amplified with APT and RPTFC primers (I will use the Advantage 2 polymerase this time). Then the fragment will be gel extracted. Then I need to reamplify with APT2 and RPTFC2 primers. Then I need to perform the In-Fusion reaction with the plasmid backbone. This plasmid will need to be transformed into some bacteria. Then this plasmid will need to be sequenced with SAPTFC and SAPTRC. I might also want to sequence with SANotI and SRNotI. The 1st step is to cut MN 7-21-12 with SfiI and NotI, and then gel extract. Approximate size of expected fragment is about 1.6 kb Plasmid is about 5 kb Plasmid backbone is about 3.4 kb There is an already cut and gel extract fragment that I had from before (pComb fragment 7-6-12 gel extracted), but I think I will just cut again. Cut plasmid again. Performed PCR with APT and RPTFC as well as APT and RPTFCB primers Item: fragment pComb 9-18-12 KW gel extracted at 10-3-11 -20 C Item: backbone pComb 9-18-12 KW gel extracted at 10-3-11 -20 C Gel extracted PCR product. Performed another PCR with APT and RPTFC2 as well as APT and RPTFC2B primers. Item: 1 PCR fragment 9-20-12 KW gel extracted at 10-3-11 -20 C Item: 2 PCR fragment 9-20-12 KW gel extracted at 10-3-11 -20 C Gel extracted. Performed In-Fusion reaction. Ethanol precipitated. Electroporated. 9-22-12 Started overnight cultures from single colonies 9-23-12 Performed miniprep to extract plasmids, and sent for sequencing Item: 1 mpComb 9-22-12 KW at 9-23-12 KW -20 C (the 1 refers to the 1st electroporation) Item: 1.2 mpComb 9-22-12 KW 9-23-12 KW -20 C (the 1.2 refers to the 2nd electroporation. Ethanol precipitated pellet was redissolved better and another electroporation was performed) Item: 2 mpComb 9-22-12 KW 9-23-12 KW -20 C (the 2 refers to product that came from fragment amplified with the "backup" corrected primers (e.g. SAPTFCB and SAPTRCB)) received sequences https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&shva=1#label/Career/13a0ddbeb765 41a3 stored sequences here C:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2012\10-2-12\pcomb\sequence None of the sequences have any reliable information. Rather than continuing to try to add the poly T near the Lac promoter, Kathy and I have decided that I should just ligate the scFv into the plasmid that I have.