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10K random peptide array
azim58 - 10K random peptide array CIM10k portal density of spot on array * Peptide Concentration: 1 mg/mL o 1 mg/mL*1g/1000mg*1mol/(110*20)g*1000mmol/1mol = 4.55*10^(-4) mmol/mL or 0.455 umol/mL o Corresponding density per surface area: 0.455 umol/mL*0.3mL/(Pi*(70um)^2) = 8.87 mol/m^2 * Spot volume: 300 uL * Spot size is about 140 um in diameter * see 6-29-12 e-mail from Zbig for original source * average molecular weight of amino acid (110 Daltons) (http://www.genscript.com/conversion.html) * Phil said that on the aminosilane slides the peptides are about 1 nm apart so there would be about 4 peptides/(1 nm^2) versions of cim10k arrays 10kv1 GSC on C terminal (right side of rest of sequence since sequences are listed N to C) 10kv2 GSC on N terminal (left side of rest of sequence since sequences are listed N to C) 10kv3 used D amino acids (written as lower case letters by our lab) some summary notes from Bart https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&shva=1#search/Bart/143de90deac1d86c { CIM10Kv1 20 mer, 17 random C term GSC linker. All aa except Cys in random positions CIM10Kv2 20 mer, 17 random N term CSG linker. All aa except Cys in random positions CIM10Kv3 20 mer, 17 random N term CSG linker. All aa except Cys in random positions, contains some d amino acids (lower case letters) and some with C term beta-alanine } -------------------- see also -10Kv1 random peptide array -[three thirty k array portal]