azim58 - vaccines with antigens prevent disease diagram diagram diagram has a mouse being immunized with tumor associated antigen or whole cell tumor lysate or self tumor mixture being protected (represented by a shield). Polio and small pox have been eradicated or nearly eradicated. There is still no vaccine for AIDS or some other infectious diseases such as malaria. diagram found here "C:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\kwhittem\Presentations\2012\General Meeting Presentation 10-24-12\version with links to info\vaccines with antigens prevent disease diagram.svg" and here "C:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\kwhittem\Presentations\2012\General Meeting Presentation 7-25-12\version with links to info\vaccines with antigens prevent disease diagram.svg" Vaccines with Antigens s Immunogens prevent disease (even cancer) slide