unbelievable careers event portal 02-26-2014d1105 Unbelievable Careers at Arizona Science Center May 10th 1-2pm -https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&shva=1#search/unbelievable+careers/1446b60a94f729f7 Description of event from Carole -https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&shva=1#search/carole/1459628e9255d254 Powerpoint of some images to show "C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2014\05-07-2014d1358\Unbelievable Career Event 05-07-2014d1405.pptx" LabDreams images -"C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\DR\2014\05-10-2014d1004\labdreams\still1.pdf" -"C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\DR\2014\05-10-2014d1004\labdreams\still2.pdf" Things I need -prepared 5 min speech of career aspirations, motivations, and path -demonstrations of immunosignaturing Krupa made -images of LabDreams episode -image about aging research associated with Spain -a few images of research at CIM post event notes 05-11-2014d1006 { pictures from the event "C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\DR\FFPhotoDR2014\05-11-2014d1017\unbelievable careers event" At the event some of the tables had lots of models and big posters, which I didn't expect. I just had some papers and one little model of a wooden board with nuts and bolts to represent the peptide array (from Loren). I was also off to the side so at first I had few visitors to my table. As time went on, more people came to my table, and I had some good conversations. One guy even told me that I definitely had the best table! He was very interested in the content I talked about. One lady was from the ink factory which looks pretty neat. Their slogan is "you talk. we draw. it's awesome.". They are like RSAnimate, and they draw pictures of what people talk about. They drew some pictures as the event was occurring. One lady told me that there was a guy at the company TGEN North trying to teach science with zombies also. She didn't remember his name, but remembered some other contacts: Mindy Bell, and Zsuzsi. An Indian lady and her daughter were very interested in having the daughter do research in a lab in Biodesign over the summer. The girl will be starting high school very soon. The email of the girl was rashmi3434@gmail.com (Rashmi Athavale) } Ink Factory images of event "C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2014\05-14-2014d0918\ASC_UnbelievableBioMed"