troubleshooting protein production in 96 well plate portal 03-30-2014d1128 related information -[Protein Production in Plate Format] info for "Western blot for production of protein in plate format with 14.3 kD Lysozyme band" figure -"F:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\kwhittem\Records in CIM Folder\Dated Records\2011\6-6-11\Western Blot and Coomassie Results\Annotated Diagrams\Western Blot Annotated.svg" --this diagram just has the figure (no more text information) -"F:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\kwhittem\Presentations\2011\9-14-11 Cancer Meeting Presentation\Cancer Meeting Presentation 2 091411.ppt" --Text from slide: The problem here is that I made a mistake calculating how much lysozyme to use when I scaled down from the flask to the plate. Originally I calculated the amount of lysozyme to scale down to based on the resuspension volume rather than based on the original culture volume. A more detailed explanation can be found on 6-16-11. --see also [Notes about too much lysozyme during plate production] info for "Coomassie stain for protein production in plate format with 14.3 kD band" figure "F:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\kwhittem\Records in CIM Folder\Dated Records\2011\6-6-11\Western Blot and Coomassie Results\Annotated Diagrams\Coomassie Stain Annotated.svg" --this is just the diagram (no more text information) -"F:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\kwhittem\Presentations\2011\9-14-11 Cancer Meeting Presentation\Cancer Meeting Presentation 2 091411.ppt" --this is an associated powerpoint, but the coomassie diagram doesn't seem to be in this powerpoint info for "Western blot of protein production in plate format with appropriate lysozyme concentration" -"F:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\kwhittem\Presentations\2011\9-14-11 Cancer Meeting Presentation\Cancer Meeting Presentation 2 091411.ppt" --this powerpoint just has the diagram (no more text information) -"F:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\kwhittem\Records in CIM Folder\Dated Records\2011\6-23-11\Western Blot for 14 kD Band 6-23-11\Annotated Files\Western Blot for 14 kD Band 6-23-11.svg" --this file has the diagram along with some size information of other proteins