Temporal response of the human virome to immunosuppression and antiviral therapy "C:\Users\kurtw_000\Box Sync\DocDR\2014\01-27-2014d0908\Temporal response of the human virome to immunosuppression and antiviral therapy.pdf" q ?nd that antivirals and immunosuppressants strongly affect the structure of the virome in plasma q total viral load increases with immunosuppression, q within-subject diversity was lower than the between-subject diversity, both for bacteria and viruses q Figure 3D shows the within-sample alpha diversity for the bacterial and viral genera as function of time (Shannon entropy, one month time periods, 590 bacterial genera, 168 viral genera examined). The diversity of observed viral genera decreases at the onset of the therapy (1.05 ± 0.5 in month 1 to 0.31 ± 0.33 in months 4–5, p < < 10  6 , Mann-Whitney U test), whereas the alpha diversity of bacteria remains relatively unchanged during the course of the posttransplant therapy (2.2 ± 1.14 in month 1 to 2.6 ± 0.85 in months 4–5, p = 0.1, Mann-Whitney U test). q These observations are in line with a view that the risk of rejec- tion and the incidence of infection have an opposite association with the patients’ immunocompetence q This approach may be of particular relevance in the context of transplantation given the fact that infections occur frequently in transplantation and are dif?cult to diagnose in immunocom- promised individuals, and given that sequence analysis can additionally provide information on the graft health through the quanti?cation of donor-derived human DNA circulating in plasma -immunosuppression like TAC used -656 plasma samples -GRAMMy software (BLAST to perform a maximum likelihood estimation of the relative abundance of species) -Bray-Curtis beta diversity for all samples, Hi Dr. Johnston, I looked through the article "Temporal Response of the Human Virome to Immunosuppression" that you had Tiger recommend to me. I saw that they found that the diversity of the types of viruses in the blood after immunosuppresion decreased as measured by Shannon Entropy. Interesting. Thanks! I just put the Cell journal in the open area by Pattie's office. Best, Kurt