statistical bioinformatics with r 05-26-2014d0022 "C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\Documents\Books\2014\05-26-2014d0023\Statistical Bioinformatics with R.pdf" author Sunil K. Mathur publisher Academic Press of Elsevier currently on pg. 46 Ancillary list: * Online ISM- * Companion Website w/ R code and Ebook- * Powerpoint slides- Some notes -The rejection criteria are that if the observed value of Chi-square is greater than the critical value of Chi-square, we reject the claim that the observed frequency is the same as that of the expected frequency -The Chi-square goodness of �t test is used to �nd whether the observed frequency obtained from an experiment is close enough to expected frequency. -checkerboard cross problem -A test wa peas Y Mendel ls a _ _ _ cross is used to determ' th - e ofan individual xh'b' ' me egeno WP e 1 “"18 3 d0l'I1iH&nt phenotype. -An allele is a mutated version of a gene. ^that's not quite right is it? I thought it was just a version of a gene --according to wikipedia: an allele is one of a number of alternative forms of the same gene or same genetic locus -The term genetics was �rst used by Bateson in 1906, which was derived from the Greek word gene meaning "to become" or "to grow into." -Mende's three laws of heredity: law of dominance and recessiveness, law of segregation, law of independent assortment -The progeny obtained after crossing between parents is called �rst �lial (offspring) genera- tion and is denoted by F1. - When one looks at the growth in the number of research papers in statistical bioinformatics published in leading statistical journals, it appears that statistical bioinformatics has become the most prominent �eld in statistics, where every discipline in statistics has contributed to its advance- ment. -Codes for R programming provided in this textbook are available on the pub- lisher's website under the link for this textbook. -Exercises and solution manuals are available on the publishers website ---------- Some problems from books -[chi-square test for a test cross 06-11-2014d1815]