azim58 - some notes on guidlines for authors 2-15-13 notes on guidelines for authors guidelines found here authors can pay to have their manuscript accessible online price of open access $750 for original research papers and reports, $500 for reviews and $250 or all other types of papers. c2c8 Types of academic papers short papers Research Papers/Reports Commentaries Meeting reports Case report Reviews Product reviews Book review Letters to the Editor I guess my short communication paper would be classified as a "Short Paper" Short Papers Short Papers should include an abstract accompanied by text that contains the introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion in one continuous section (materials and methods may be part of the text, figure legend or table footnotes). Four total Figures and Tables are allowed. The length of the paper should not exceed 15 double-spaced, printed manuscript pages of text, inclusive of references and exclusive of Figures and Tables. organization for the manuscript Organization All manuscripts should be in English. Please ensure that manuscripts are clear, concise and grammatically correct. Text should be prepared in MS Word, double-spaced, with page numbers throughout. Organize manuscripts in the following manner: • Title page, including titles, author's names (first, MI, last) and affiliations • 5-10 key words (for indexing purposes) • A list of abbreviations and acronyms used throughout the text • An abstract (please see Type of Paper for word limit), the primary goal of which is to make the general significance and conceptual advance of the work clearly accessible to a broad readership. (References should not be cited in the abstract.) • Text (length and organization depends upon type of paper) • Acknowledgments • References • Figure legends • Tables (with descriptive titles and legends) they want figures to be in tiff, photoshop, eps or high resolution pdf files color figures should be in CMYK mode at 8 bits/channel they want a sans serif font such as Helvetica (Arial is a sans-serif typeface so I think I will use that) sans-serif means sans "without" the "serifs" which are the projecting features at the end of strokes they want thousands to be separated by commas like "1,000" they want the references in the same format as the references in the "Cell Cycle" journal the format they would like is like this Author's last name] [Author's initials], [First six author's last names followed by their initials]. [Title of article with only the first word capitalized]. [Journal's standard abbreviated name] [Year]; [Volume]:[Inclusive pages]. * For Example: ° Moore GL, Chen H, Karki S, Lazar GA. Engineered Fc variant antibodies with enhanced ability to recruit complement and mediate effector functions. mAbs 2010; 2:181-9. academic writing services for non-native english speakers