azim58 - some comments from pages 306 to 626 6-23-13 Note that most of the comments from this text is unreadable. This occurred because I reduced the file size ("optimized the pdf" or something) before I performed the text recognition so I'll just have to make sure to do the text recognition first on any future documents. Summary of comments: The biology of human longevity 306 to 626.pdf Page:8 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: However about 15% 0 X- III ,et gene~ oS Impnntmg; SectIon , 'd ' , extent I'n 'Idult cells Date: 2013-05-31 17:35:21 Page:9 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: As predicted by evolutionalY theory, Virgin flics lil'c longer Ilul1 m;I[ed feI1l;I! es, e\'\.~n though egg production was unaltered (Fowlcr and 1';lrlricige, I<)R,), Date: 2013-05-31 17:38:14 Page:12 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: Resveratro a so s . ,. _ I " '11 illllllunOSlIppress:mt III trallsgrapes Oung et ai, 2005; Sincl:Jir, 200) , :Inc 1,:->,' I" I "~TACs, ' , . .., ' . 'tiv:ttors arc IdcIICt to ,1:->, , Date: 2013-05-31 17:45:23 Page:13 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: TOE (target of r:lpal1lycin) acts as a nutricnt sensor in mammalian Jnu yea\[ cells Date: 2013-05-31 17:47:02 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: R:lp:llllycin-tre:lteci cells :lppC:H starved. Date: 2013-05-31 17:48:13 Page:16 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: In lll:tllllll:t!S, DH 11:tS anri-intbm- nJatory effects, and moreover, can impair instructive immunity and decre;tse resist- ance to infections Date: 2013-06-01 19:12:08 Page:17 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: Trade-otI'i from energy allocation to immune functions are well known in human growth ( Date: 2013-06-01 19:13:38 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: The hive is a COllst:lnt target of inv:lsive ('ol()lliZ:ltl()l~ b b ' I t' . b . . . n ' n:spO/1~C y actena ant ungl y ItS warmth and nutrients, Date: 2013-06-01 19:15:28 Page:18 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: Di{ \vorlllS arc Ihin :lnd i'ecun Date: 2013-06-01 19:18:35 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: Age-f, the first gerontogene identified on :1 chromosome, incre:lsed lire Sp:lll ) y :lbOllt 50%, together \\lith delayed slOWing of movements :1I1<.J slower :ICL'L'iL-r- arion of 1l10rt:lli Date: 2013-06-01 19:19:12 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: Sticky note Date: 2013-06-01 19:19:21 Gerontogene Page:19 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: Mutants in more than 50 genes are known to mod ify C. elegans life span (l-lekimi and Guarente, 2003; Lee et aI, 2003; Olsen et ai, 2006). Date: 2013-06-01 19:21:11 Page:20 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: longer lives CLakowski and Hekimi, 1998). Mut:tnts in more th;ln 30 dif- ferent genes 11,1\'e Date: 2013-06-01 19:24:32 Page:24 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: :IIter keding r;lles or recundity (\'(,'ood et ai, 2004). This effect ,,\,;\0.; (Ii),sc!'\<:·d 011 diets of live or heat-killed b Date: 2013-06-02 10:21:25 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: 5). Nor would we expect long-lived dwarf mice to survivc: in the w Date: 2013-06-02 10:22:40 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: aging nies develop lllyocardi;11 instability, :1 dysfunction cate Date: 2013-06-02 10:23:16 Page:26 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: 'C.Wer.IIO :I/K 01 IlT slIlurn :lctiv;ltors (STi\ (>i Date: 2013-06-02 10:27:43 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: While p53 null nics had shorter life SI);II1, the t:lrgcted re~llIction of p53 in neurons increased life span by ahout 50% (l3:luer and He/tand, 200 Date: 2013-06-02 10:28:41 Page:30 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: ssentially the same set of genes induced by infections was upregulated during ~gln~ .. . " (Landis et ai, 2004). Date: 2013-06-02 14:10:19 Page:31 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: Aging ~lies show strong increases in heat shock proteins (l-lSP), e,~.. d (li/ll'f induction of HSP22 ancJ HSP70 mRI'M Date: 2013-06-02 14:14:16 Page:32 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: ous ini"cctions. l3rie!' l'xposure to non-Ieth:d he:lt increases lirt.: span by up to 5 d Date: 2013-06-02 14:15:00 Page:33 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: discussion is organized by three functions; growth :1I1c1 m Date: 2013-06-02 14:20:07 Page:38 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: rovIsional conclusion lll'IY be dl"II"I) tll'lt el ./" . . I ,.., .... . " " , \Val Ism IS nc:Jt H.:r ncc- essarv nor suffICient I'or lonoevitv :IS IV'IS 'llso co lcl I I /' I n I ) b ),' • " ' " I ue ec or t Ie y insu in- signaling mutants. Date: 2013-06-02 14:22:14 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: The Ames d\\,;l!" h(:.~ :lix)ut '50% longer than most Ian mice ;lnc/ was the first mutation Cprop-/ i :,!,')\vn to incre3se longevity in a mammal. Date: 2013-06-03 12:39:32 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: The Ames and Snell dwarfs have low insulin and glucose. However, other disturbances :Ire less desirable from a human perspective: hypothyroidism, low body temperature, and impaired reproduction. ObeSity is prevalent with aging. Brain aging changes may also be slowed. Tumors are decreased, discussed helmv. Date: 2013-06-03 12:40:55 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: WiJd-caught mice are the only properly desig- nated wild-type in aging studies and differ remarkably from standard strains in smaller size, longer life span, and resistance to diet restriction ( Date: 2013-06-03 12:42:08 Page:40 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: f30fh Ames ;1I1el ~,l(''' d\\':lIf'i h:lvc very lo\\' hlood glucose, insulin, and IGF-l. f30lh become 011<.:'."<.:' (hlliI1.~ :Igin Date: 2013-06-03 12:48:01 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: Sticky note Date: 2013-06-03 12:48:39 R current Page:56 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: Because sOllle I~i/L'I C I rriers 1'<.::lch advanced ages withollt dement i:l, ar() l~ is not considered :1 genel ic determin:lr1t, but rather :1 risk factor !hat influences tile threshold for sli Il mysterious ear1y processes in ncurodegcner:Hion. Date: 2013-06-08 16:45:56 Page:61 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: AJzGene datab:l Date: 2013-06-08 17:00:08 Page:62 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: direct con- trol of CHP synthesis hy lL-o (L Date: 2013-06-08 17:05:13 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: Allard et aI, 1998). The greater vulnerability of E4 carriers to o x k b ill (!;i m Date: 2013-06-08 17:06:46 Page:65 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: The persistence of the aroE4 allel~ 111;IY he clue to h;lbnc ing selection for pathogen resisl;Ince, as shown for herati- tis virus C ;Ind possihly other infections Date: 2013-06-10 07:49:44 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: lut:lnts causing decreased inslIlin- IGF-I signaling in the worm, fly. :1I1e1 IIHllI.o.;C' ;He long-lived and often aCClIl1lll\;tte f Date: 2013-06-10 07:51:07 Page:79 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: kletaikd sUll1mary of Ihe sCllIere:d d:\[;1 in (Finch :lOd Stanford, 2004), Table 6.3 Date: 2013-06-14 21:09:41 Page:80 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: Unlike humans, the great apes are primarily her- blv,ores Date: 2013-06-14 21: 42:31 Page:87 Author: Kurt Whittemore Subject: fire is inlllllll11:llmy, no pUll 11lC:IIH. F