smc1fs sera on 3k array slide 03-24-2014d1112 Slide -"C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2014\03-24-2014d0913\SMC1fs Sera on 3K Array 2.pptx" -"C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2014\03-24-2014d0913\SMC1fs Sera on 3K Array.pptx" some powerpoints slide is found in -C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\kwhittem\Presentations\2014\PhD Oral Defense\Oral Defense Presentation Kurt Whittemore 4-11-14.pptx -C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\kwhittem\Presentations\2013\General Meeting Presentation 8-14-13\General Meeting Presentation 8-14-13.pptx text on slide { Slide with location of smc1fs spot on scatterplot with smc1fs sera Here is a scatterplot which shows how certain lysate spots bound to naïve and tumor sera. On the x-axis is the log2 fold change from naïve sera intensity to tumor sera intensity. The log2 fold change is used so that negative fold change values with less intensity for tumor sera will be to the left of the y-axis and positive fold change values will be to the right of the y-axis. The –log10 of the p-value from a t-test is used so that more significant p-values with smaller values will appear higher up on this graph. On this graph I have also inserted a line where a p-value of 0.05 occurs and a line where a fold change of 1.5 occurs. As you saw from my pcr screens before I did not do a pcr for all 3,000 pools so I do not know whether smc1fs occurs in the SMC1fs unknown pools in pink here. I do know that SMC1fs is not present in many of the pools, and many of these pools lie in the bottom left hand corner of the graph which is less significant. I also know that SMC1fs is not present in the top 10 p-value pools. This hyperimmunized SMC1fs sera was very strong so there was probably some non-specific binding on the array. On the array I also had 3 spots which were positive controls which came from lysate from bacteria that contained a plasmid to produce SMC1fs. These 3 spots all have good fold change values or p-values. The lysate pool which I know contains SMC1fs in the forward orientation from my pcr screen has a very good fold change value. The other pools which I know contain SMC1fs also have very good fold change values. "F:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2013\8-1-13\pool 87 analysis\cleaner graph\smc1fs positive with sera on array data clean 8-13-13.ggp" ^this is for smc1fs sera "F:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2013\8-1-13\pool 87 analysis\cleaner graph\smc1fs positive with sera on array data clean 8-13-13.PNG“ See also "C:\Users\kwhittem\Google Drive\DR\2013\8-1-13\plotting pool 87 8-1-13.txt" }