++ pure text notes on purification of antibodies with random peptides 8-29-13 figure of "Purification of selected antibodies with peptides" -Spreadsheet found here: “F:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2012\6-27-12\Validation of purified abs exp 6-27-12.xlsx" -"F:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\kwhittem\Presentations\2012\Fall 2012 Committee Meeting Presentation 12-19-12\version with links to info\Fall 2012 Committee Meeting Presentation 10-24-12.pptx" -dialogue --After the antibodies were purified, I put them back onto the array. I expected that the purified and eluted antibodies would bind to the same peptides used to purify them. However, my purification did not work. These graphs show that the flow through which did not bind to the peptides could still bind to the 6 peptides on the array, but the purified fraction did not bind to these 6 peptides. Therefore, we had to rethink how to do the purification. After some discussion we felt, that the major issue was that the peptides on the array are at a much higher density than the peptides on the Tentagel mesh. However, the orientation of the peptides may also be an issue. !^ This powerpoint looks like it has a fair amount of information about plans to synthesize the peptides at 4X the density. "F:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\kwhittem\Presentations\2012\General Meeting Presentation 7-25-12\version with links to info\General Meeting Presentation 7-25-12 (2).pptx"