++ pure text notes on immune status from antibody peptide intensity distribution portal 10-27-13 AbStat portal The immune status part has now been renamed to AbStat for Antibody Status (Pattie Madjidi came up with this name and the lab voted to call the metric Abstat. So AbStat stands for Antibody status) -[Broad outline for AbStat Section 11-8-13] -[Outline with details for AbStat Section 11-8-13] -[List of experiments that could be done with the AbStat metric 04-02-2014d0914] [Presentations on AbStat portal 01-23-2014d1425] maximum entropy for 10K: 9.21 =(-Ln(1/10000)) maximum entropy for 330K: 12.7 = (-Ln(1/330000) ---------- See also -[First AbStat publication portal 12-16-2013d1154] -[Outline of AbStat section pre 11-8-13] -[Immunosignature Entropy Code portal] -[Classification of summary number data with weka 10-17-13] -[commercializing metric to quantitate antibody specificity 05-01-2014d1643]