programming portal 01-14-2014d1100 -[java portal 01-11-2014d1419] -[Apache SPARK portal 02-26-2014d1547] -[apps I wish existed portal 03-04-2014d1115] -[searching libraries portal 03-05-2014d2252] -[the future of programming portal 3-16-14] -[how everything is like software portal 3-16-14] -[How to apply common algorithms to any problem 07-12-2014d0745] -[bioinformatics portal 04-04-2014d1358] -[miscellaneous examples of programming situations 05-24-2015d1337] ------------------------ See also -[how I think an operating system should be] -[software engineering portal 09-25-2014d0926] -[good programming portal 01-13-2014d1942] -[computer programming practice portal 04-04-2015d1740] -[programming games portal 04-04-2015d1741]