preparing for information exchanges 11-11-2014d0940 preparing presentations preparing for presentations preparing for meeting preparing for meetings research updates possible data to include in next presentation/information exchange Some preparations -[cni_preparation for research update 05-25-2015d1428] --sent a research update (note that the PET and object recognition data was actually sent at an earlier time) 06-01-2015d2311 { from: Kurt Whittemore to: maria blasco/CNIO date: Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 11:11 PM subject: research update } -[cni_preparation for research update 05-18-2015d1646] -preparation pre 2-17-15 (e-mailed Maria Blasco 2-17-15) { -HT Q-FISH. Plan to take blood from TRF1 mice again three months later around 22/4/15 (blood was taken 22/1/15) -plan for next cognitive tests -access to 300 GB computer -plan for next PET (I plan to do it May 11th and 12th) -I'll be collecting more TRF1 embryos on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday to collect the RNA as well as make formalin blocks } -preparation pre 02-13-2015d1433 { -the bioinformatics edge data ([cni_powerpoint of analysis of age calorie restriction and resveratrol study June 2008 11-11-2014d0944]) -"C:\Sync\cnio\2014\2014\11-18-2014d0858\tightrope trials 11-18-2014d2230\analysis by week\Tightrope Test Grouped by Week 11-18-14.pptx" -hanging test data -HT Q-FISH } -Research update started 01-21-2015d1606 --"C:\Sync\cnio\2015\01 January\01 January\01-21-2015d1254\Research update\Research update 01-21-2015d1607.pptx" -[cni_first lab meeting presentation at cnio 01-20-2015d1438] -Research update started 01-08-2015d1048 --"C:\Sync\cnio\2015\01 January\01 January\01-08-2015d1048\research update\Research Update 01-08-2015d1049.pptx" --"C:\Sync\cnio\2015\01 January\01 January\01-08-2015d1048\research update\for emailing\Age at time of death for TRF1 mice with malignancies 1-9-15.pptx" --"C:\Sync\cnio\2015\01 January\01 January\01-08-2015d1048\research update\for emailing\age at time of death 2\Age at time of death for TRF1 mice with malignancies 1-9-15.pptx" ---Maria liked bars better for this -Research update started 01-05-2015d1444 --"C:\Sync\cnio\2015\01 January\01 January\01-05-2015d1139\Research update started 01-05-2015d1444.pptx" -Research update 12-19-14 --"C:\Sync\cnio\2014\2014\12 December\12-18-2014d1602\Research Update 12-18-2014d1602\Research Update 12-19-14.pptx" -[cni_preparation for research update 12-08-2014d1629] -[cni_preparation for research update 12-03-2014d1706] -[cni_preparation for meeting with maria 11-19-2014d2040] -[cni_prep for meeting with Simone and other bioinformaticians 11-14-2014d1030] -[cni_powerpoint of analysis of age calorie restriction and resveratrol study June 2008 11-11-2014d0944] -[pr_preparation for meeting with Maria Blasco 10-01-2014d1020] -[pr_preparation for meeting with Maria Blasco 10-13-2014d1503]