post to sell fridge, chair, and trampoline 03-22-2014d1741 03-22-2014d1700 I would like to sell trampoline, office chair, and fridge. How much did I originally buy these items for? trampoline bought for $64.51 "C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\Documents\Money\Some Receipts\trampoline receipt purchased 5-19.jpg" on amazon a mini fridge costs about $50-200 I couldn't find how much I originally bought the items for I'll try to sell the mini fridge for $30, the trampoline for $20, and the office chair for $20. office chair posting here manage ad here trampoline post here made by electrolux home products (Frigidaire model no BFPH31M6LM) mini fridge post can be seen here managed here photos for these posts "C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\DR\2014\03-22-2014d1744\photos for craigslist posts" sold fridge on 3-23-14 (there were 6 requests to buy the fridge, and no requests about the office chair or the trampoline)