personal ftp from files at home 10-09-2014d1500 access my hard drive with ftp ftp = file transfer protocol This seems a little bit involved since you have to be forwarding ports and configuring your router. I probably won't pursue this further. 10-09-2014d2028 -I should probably just get a network attached storage device or start paying for Dropbox, or Box or even paying for multiple accounts for different projects if I want to share files publicly. .; 10-11-2014d1504. Actually, probably using something like tonido will work just fine. It is possible to share a folder publicly and allow uploading. Also, you can set up some username and password. Then you could give that username and password out at places where people you want to be able to see it will see it. 10-24-2014d0057 -Another option instead of ftp would be to use pogoplug from Tonido and give away the username and password. I think this would accomplish a similar goal of sharing files with anonymous users. I could get multiple pogoplugs for different ftp-like sites since the pogoplugs seem pretty cheap. -filezilla -- ---I actually did spend a little bit of time trying to get this to work on 10-11-2014d1210, but I couldn't really get it working. I also didn't really want to deal with port forwarding, dynamic ip addresses, firewall exceptions, etc. --[pr_filezilla forums account 10-18-2014d2047] -lifehacker article on how to set up a home ftp server -- -OS specific ftp --Windows has some support for setting up ftp ---[pr_windows os ftp account info 10-11-2014d2216] ---how to setup ftp server on windows 8 or windows 8.1 ---- -ftpbox (this helps you file sync to your own host) If you are going to setup ftp, then you may want to obtain a static ip address so that you will be able to access your computer even though the ip address keeps changing if you have a dynamic ip address (which is most likely the case). -see [obtaining a static ip address 10-13-2014d0700] Some events (newest top to oldest bottom) -[some research about ftp options 10-12-2014d1131]