p53 mouse promoter 10-07-2014d1415 Some papers -Identification of an upstream region of the mouse p53 promoter critical for transcriptional expression -Using targeted transgenic reporter mice to study promoter-specific p53 transcriptional activity -Protein-binding elements in the promoter region of the mouse p53 gene, (kind of old; 1990; article not really accessible now) -Transcriptional Regulation of the p53 Tumor Suppressor Gene in S-Phase of the Cell-Cycle and the Cellular Response to DNA Damage -q Evidence to date shows that this gene contains one promoter, in contrast to alternative promoters of the human gene, and transcribes a few of splice variants which encode different isoforms, although the biological validity or the full-length nature of some variants has not been determined. --http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/NM_011640.3 See also -[cni_email from Orlando Dominguez 10-09-2014d1401] --this has an email with databases containing the p53 promoter