outline of oral defense presentation 03-22-2014d0940 presentation found here "C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\kwhittem\Presentations\2014\PhD Oral Defense\Oral Defense Presentation Kurt Whittemore 4-11-14.pptx"oralor no of slides on screening tumor library: 16 no of slides on AbStat: 27 16/43 = 0.37 27/43 = 0.63 Outline of presentation for oral defense -Screening tumor cDNA library (General source of previous slides: C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\kwhittem\Presentations\2013\General Meeting Presentation 8-14-13\General Meeting Presentation 8-14-13.pptx) -Current treatments of cancer -Vaccines with Antigens/Immunogens Prevent Disease (even cancer) -Attributes of a cancer vaccine -Cancer Immunogen Discovery Methods I -Cancer Immunogen Discovery Methods II -Cancer Immunogen Discovery Methods III -Cancer Immunogens Discovered -Antigen Discovery Method -cDNA Library lysate slides -SMC1fs PC Detection -SMC1fs sera on 3K Array -Screen of tumor library -pool reduction screen -single clone reduction screen -slide about Mxd1 -conclusion slide -AbStat (General source of previous slides: [General Meeting Presentation 1-29-14]) -Measuring humoral immune response -Measures that compose the AbStat -Progression of entropy measure -random letter generator example -Immunosignaturing example -Entropy with previous biological data -AbStat Applications -Array Platforms -Monoclonal affinities and Entropy -Spiking antibody into sera -Human vaccines -Human vaccines one month time course -Reduction in Antibody Repertoire Complexity with Lymphoma -Mouse cancer progression -HT330K Wafer 46 -HT330K wafer 46 Heatmap -HT330K wafer 46 Machine Learning -Changes with age in mice -Changes with age in mice histogram -Changes with age in humans -Rank of measures by p-value -Value of AbStat compared to other classification methods -General Metric of Health Hypothesis -Chaotic Cancer Immune Response Hypothesis -Immune System Training Hypothesis Mouse Experiment -Immune System Training Hypothesis with Hygiene Hypothesis -Conclusions for AbStat -Table of Researchers -Acknowledgements -Questions