azim58 - original thoughts on ordering 8-28-12 So the sequences I will order will be (for in-fusing to the left side of the plasmid) hexL: CGGGGTACGATGAGANNNNNN (for in-fusing to the right side of the plasmid) hexR: AAGCAGTGGTATCAANNNNNN I think I will also order some primers that don't have the hex part which could be used in the 2nd strand synthesis if desired. (in-fusion left (for 2nd strand synthesis)) InFL: CGGGGTACGATGAGA (in-fusion right (for 2nd strand synthesis)) InFR: AAGCAGTGGTATCAA Oligo order form "C:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2012\8-28-12\hexamer primer order\Kurt_Oligo_Order_8-28-12.xls" random hexamer primers for human tumor cDNA library