isoforms of p53 10-07-2014d1414 Some papers -Biological functions of p53 isoforms through evolution: lessons from animal and cellular models -[Biological functions of p53 isoforms through evolution lessons from animal and cellular models] --It looks like this paper has diagrams of the mouse p53 isoforms! -- -Modulation of mammalian life span by the short isoform of p53 -- --looks like a nice review paper. 2011 (Cell death and differentiation. Bourdon. UK and France) -[The isoforms of the p53 protein paper] -p53 isoforms can regulate p53 transcriptional activity paper -The C Terminus of p53 Family Proteins is a Cell Fate Determinant -[p53 and its isoforms in cancer] -p53/p63/p73 isoforms: an orchestra of isoforms to harmonise cell differentiation and response to stress (renamed pdf file to p53 p63 p73 isoforms an orchestra of isoforms to harmonise cell differentiation and response to stress) Which isoform is the main isoform? { -q By convention, TAp53alpha corresponds to the canonical p53 protein - -q p53 protein isoforms through conserved mechanisms. 6,7 The main and most abundant p53 isoform is the canonical p53 protein, also termed TAp53a, as it contains an entire TAD and the longest C-terminal domain -[Biological functions of p53 isoforms through evolution lessons from animal and cellular models] } How many isoforms are there of mouse p53? -As of 2011, there seem to be 6 different isoforms --[Biological functions of p53 isoforms through evolution lessons from animal and cellular models] -[sequences for mouse p53 isoforms 10-16-2014d1457] Information about p53 isoforms from an expert (Dr. Jean-Christophe Bourdon) - -You found the only publication where all mouse p53 isoforms are described in a diagram. -Varda Rotter in 1986 and after where she described the mouse p53AS (splice variant similar to human p53beta). The p53AS is hyperactive compared to p53 (p53alpha) -Heidi Scrable has studied D40p53 that she called p44 or DNp53. She has published several times on p44 (D40p53) -Antony Braithwaite has generated a mutant D122p53 isoforms (overexpressing D122p53) Slater et al., Blood. 2011 May 12;117(19):5166-77. -[cni_content of email from Dr. Jean-Christophe Bourdon 10-16-2014d0918] I had a conversation with a student (Lucia Morgado Palacin) that told me that for mouse p53 the full length p53 should be the main one. There is a delta form with the C terminal end removed and a beta form with the N terminal removed. The student also recommend I talk to the head of the cnio genomics unit.