investigated cDNA incubation time and pcr product quality 05-16-2014d1004 Were PCRs better from cDNA from 30 minute incubation compared with cDNA from 15 min incubation? Location of data \\\CIM\Research\labdata\Felicia Craciunescu\cancer vaccine project 2013\frameshift pcr screen\5-16-14 and C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2014\05-16-2014d1005\investigation of cdna incubation time and pcr product quality Notes 15 min incubation samples 1099 15 944 15 399 15 295 15 1422 15 188 15 119 15 30 min incubation samples 328N1 350R1 411R1 637R1 1185R1 1228R1 cDNA Sample Incubation Time 1099 15 944 15 399 15 295 15 1422 15 188 15 119 15 328N1 30 350R1 30 411R1 30 637R1 30 1185R1 30 1228R1 30 tube sample primer Incubation time for cDNA 1 1228 GF60 30 2 1185 GF60 30 3 328 GF60 30 4 1165 GF38 ? 5 1099 GF38 15 6 944 GF38 15 7 350 GF79 30 8 1228 GF79 30 9 399 GF79 15 10 295 GF148 15 11 1422 GF148 15 12 188 GF109 15 13 350 GF109 30 14 411 GF109 30 15 119 GF021 15 16 637 GF021 30 Evaluation of cDNA incubation time on PCR Screen 5-16-14 spreadsheet "\\\CIM\Research\labdata\Felicia Craciunescu\cancer vaccine project 2013\frameshift pcr screen\5-16-14\Evaluation of cDNA incubation time on PCR Screen 5-16-14.xlsx" Earlier we were wondering if the cDNA produced with a 15 min incubation time gave us worse PCR products. In this case, the opposite seems to be true. Overall cDNA that was made with the 15 min incubation time yields better PCR products than cDNA that was made with the 30 min incubation time. This observation may be due to the nature of the PCR sequences rather than the incubation time, but these results are something to consider. Note that the original protocol states that the incubation time should be extended to 30 min if there is more than 1 ug RNA. The official dynazyme protocol is located here: Therefore, I suppose we should just continue to follow the original protocol as we did the first time. Anyway, I look forward to trying out the nested PCR!