investigated 2nd run of dog cancer samples 05-17-2014d0830 05-15-2014d1527 I'll look at the AbStat of aligned dog gprs \\\CIM\Administration\PeptideArrayCore\2014 Sample run\Canine OSA vs LSA Primary Timecourse 24APR2014 F647 Median "C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2014\02-19-2014d1100\AbStat_program\AbStat02-19-2014d1209.jar" java -jar "C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2014\02-19-2014d1100\AbStat_program\AbStat02-19-2014d1209.jar" find_summary_numbers_from_folder_of_gprs "C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\lgdata_DR\2014\05-15-2014d1533\AbStat dog lymphoma samples 05-15-2014d1533\gprs" "F647 Median" 1 I'd like to look at a dotplot grouped by incubation time and health status, Entropy of Individual dogs vs incubation time, AbStat heatmaps grouped by incubation time for normal and disease. Originally if I had a dog with a 3-4 digit name, they were BL, if they were a 6 digit number they were OS, and a name is normal -"C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2014\05-01-2014d1601\AbStat\AbStat Analysis 5-1-14.xlsx" -=IF(CELL("type",C2)="l","N",IF(LEN(C2)=6,"OS",IF(OR(LEN(C2)=3,LEN(C2)=4),"BL"))) --older formula ---=IF(LEN(D2)=6,"OS",IF(OR(LEN(D2)=3,LEN(D2)=4),"BL")) Disease and Time Group Dotplot 5-16-1 automatically get mean and stdev of groups in excel