ideas for best wiki software 03-04-2014d1051 aka ideas for quickly making network of information aka ideas for "perfect" wiki software optimal wiki software ideal wiki software -basic idea: the software should help people optimize what they could normally do with text files and search alone -the software should work on many different platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iphone OS, and windows phone os) -Make sure that if the user stops using the software, then they still have a usable wiki. Therefore, make the software as simple, compatible, and portable as possible. --each wiki page should be a text file. All the wiki page text files would be contained in one single folder. This folder could be stored at any location (Dropbox, Google Drive, some location on a local hard drive, etc.) This way if the user stops using the software, then they still have a usable wiki. --use very simple syntax for links (e.g. put a bracket around linked terms like this: [link to a new page]). This way if the user stops using the software, then they still have a usable wiki. -you can quickly click on links to open the new text file -when making a new link or a new page, search results of other well matching pages should show up. This way the user might choose to link to one of these pre-existing pages rather than making a new link. If the user was going to make a new page, then the user might choose to navigate to one of the pre-existing pages instead of making a new page. -when making a new page there is an option to automatically put the title of that page at the top of the text file -advanced search features that allow for fuzzy search, regular expressions, some level of symantic search, organize searches by date or relevance, sort the search results for pages which have the most or least incoming or outgoing links, sort matches by their distance in the network of pages from a particular page, etc. Also allow the user to search the whole wiki or just currently open pages. Of course not just the titles of text files would be searched, but the contents within the pages. -ability to select a subgroup of connected pages rather than the whole wiki so that these pages could be copied somewhere else or deleted -automatically save pages (keep periodic backups of the wiki and allow for manual backups) -allow multiple pages to be viewed in separate windows or separate tabs -allow the wiki to be visualized as a network, and allow some interaction and navigation via the network. -provide nice summary statistics: page with most links, word cloud of wiki, etc. -software should automatically determine suggestions for links between files that could be added. The user could choose to not even view these suggestions, view and ignore them, or view and accept them. I think that a key concept for implementing this functionality well could be to maximize the "search information entropy" of a network.