formatting revisions from graduate student programs 03-25-2014d0936 --text comments from email { Hello Kurt, 1200888901 You may now proceed with your defense. I have made notes throughout the attached document of corrections you need to make in the form of comments. The notes in the attached document give instruction to: 1. Update your defense and graduation date on the title page. 2. Denote your chair on the title page. 3. Center align the page numbers throughout your document. 4. Revisit page 11 of the format manual for more information on formatting the table of contents and list of tables, figures and equations. 5. Single space your references, then double space between them. 6. Ensure your tables and figures do not infringe on your side margins. 7. Remove the format tool page. It is important that you do not assume the corrections I have made are the only items you should fix. Go through your entire document to ensure the mistakes I see do not occur elsewhere in your paper. After you have made the necessary corrections, you will need to resubmit your document in Microsoft Word or PDF form to for further review. You will be notified by email when it has been completed. You can make corrections and submit your document before your defense, or you can wait to hear the comments from your defense before resubmitting. Please note that format review should not be your sole resource for revisions. It is your responsibility to ensure that your document is in accordance with the requirements and guidelines set by the Graduate College. If you have further questions regarding format, please refer to the ASU Graduate College Format Manual at Alex Padilla Student Support Specialist ǀ Graduate Program Services Office of Graduate Education ǀ Arizona State University Email: Phone: 480-965-3521 Tempe, AZ 85287-1003 } --e-mail thread here: --document with comments here: "C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2014\03-25-2014d0935\1200888901 Whittemore,Kurt.docx"