blast two fasta files against each other 07-02-2014d1042 You can blast two fasta files directly against eachother with the subject command instead of using a database. For example: blastp -task blastp-short -subject "clustered best motifs wo HEQWI.fa" -query HEQWI.fa -out results_07-11-2014d1029.txt database method { first turn one of the fasta files (most likely the larger one) into a blast database -example --makeblastdb -in file1.fa -dbtype prot -title protdb -out file1 Next call a blast command to search the database with a query -blastp -task blastp-short -db file1 -query file2.fa -out results_07-02-2014d1029.txt --find actual files here: C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2014\07-02-2014d0933\testblast Note: performing a blast against a database only seems to work if the command line has navigated to the directory with the database -An alternative solution is to set a windows environment variable so that blast knows where to look for the databases. --control panel->system and security->System->Advanced system settings->Advanced tab->environment variables->new->bariable name: "BLASTDB", value: the path to wherever you want to put all of your blast databases ---see also this ncbi help webpage: }