automatically get mean and stdev of groups 05-16-2014d1449 Summary statistics by group SummaryStatisticsByGroup If there are rows in a table, and some of the rows are part of the same group as specified by a value in one of the columns, then I often like to make a new row for this group for the mean (and the standard deviation). This code will take in a table, and then find the average and the standard deviation based on grouping according to one of the attributes of each sample/object. I wrote some Java code to do this C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\DR\2014\05-22-2014d1052\Summary statistics by group\Sandbox SAS can do something like this { proc means data=GradeBySection min max median; ##the information you need by Section; # the grouping variable var Score; # the information of the variable you want class Status Year; # the sub-grouping variable } jmp can get similar statistics for groups -method 1 --just make a table->analyze->distribution->put the group you want in the "by" section -method 2 --click the summary button (looks like a bunch of red and blue boxes with some lines)->choose which column to group by->choose the summary statistics you want (mean, median, etc.)->a table is output R appears to have many ways of getting summary statistics by group -describeBy function -- -other options: -aggregate function in r --