azim58 - R Statistics Program portal R statistics programming language R software R seems fairly non-user friendly. It is basically unusuable without some prior knowledge and practice Note that in R the filepath to a file must be specified with forward slashes. anova in r (wikidpad) adding labels to a scatterplot in R adjusting the scale of a plot make scatterplot connected by line through each point Josh's notes about using R to adjust p values making a combined boxplot and stripchart in R -using excel files with R "C:\Users\kwhittem\Google Drive\DR\2013\8-12-13\using excel files with R 8-12-13.txt" List of things I wish I knew how to do in R adjust the scale of a scatterplot add labels to each point of a scatterplot add multiple datasets to a scatterplot and control the shape of the points in the different datasets add a straight line to a scatterplot at a specific location make bar graphs =========================================================================== RStudio is a nice IDE for R GrapheR is a package that makes graphing in R a little more user friendly. start with the command "run.GrapheR()" Deducer is another GUI for graphing in R -Installing Deducer can be a bit tricky --Install Windows 9x/.../XP/7 download: binary for R 2.12.0 or higher: jgr-1_62.exe (ca. 32kB, updated 2010/10/20) from here: --then start jgr ---I have jgr stored here: C:\jgr-1_62.exe --make sure deducer packages are installed and loaded. Then start deducer by going to Packages and Data->Data Viewer Here are some packages Krupa said she liked klaR lattice rattle DAAG DMWR (Data mining with R) ggplot2 =========================================================================== Example of plotting with lattice require(lattice) plot(valleyfevertrain.lda =========================================================================== Krupa has some information here (there's also an R reference card here) S:\Administration\ Biostatistics\Valley Fever\paper working directory\Random peptides paper\LDA,NaiveBayes\Krupa_LDA_R\For paper\Useful Literature =========================================================================== Plotting a scatterplot with labels for each datapoint library(ggplot2) x <- data.frame(a=1:10, b=rnorm(10)) x$lab <- letters[1:10] ggplot(data=x, aes(a, b, label=lab)) + geom_point() + geom_text(data = subset(x, abs(b) > 0.2), vjust=0) code from =========================================================================== Information about adding a straight line to a plot in ggplot2 nd-legend-in-ggplot2 =========================================================================== -[Forum talkstats for Statistics and R Statistics Programming Language 11-19-2014d0939] Some items -s: grouped dotplot with error bars in r; 12-03-2014d1556 --I didn't really find anything that useful ------------ see also -[graphing data portal 05-22-2014d1648] -[Some R programming language books 02-16-2015d1555]