Open Broadcaster software 03-22-2015d1125 how to record movie how to record dvd how to make a digital copy of a movie digitizing videos portal -screencast (screen recorder; screenrecorder; screen cast) program - -this one seems to be the best; it is completely free, records video, system audio, and audio from a microphone. -first discovered from Pat Coan 3-6-15 -how to record a movie with open broadcaster -just connect dvd player to computer with a video capture device such as [Diamond One Touch Video Capture 05-03-2014d1534] -instead of using the software that came with the device you could use openbroadcaster. I found I have fewer issues with sound and audio when using open broadcaster --on my hp desktop you probably need to restart the computer and do the recording fresh to avoid problems --before using open broadcaster the 1st time, you will need to make sure that you have the proper driver for the video capture device installed. -when using open broadcaster right click the source area and set the source to be video capture. In the properties set the device to be Conexant Polaris Video Capture; for the audio input device select "Use device audio" and make sure "Output to audio stream only" is selected. Then start the recording. The output file will probably be a flv file. --If using this with the easy grabber device, you need to install the driver before the first time ---E:\kurt\storage\DR\2015\02 February\02-27-2015d1435\video capture software ----[Diamond One Touch Video Capture 05-03-2014d1534] --If the video is not filling the record area properly, then right click the video source (you can do this while it is playing), hover over position/size, and select fit to screen size. -you can convert the flv file to an mp4 file using some free software --you could use "Free FLV to MP4 Converter" downloaded from or something --you could also use "FLV extract", but this was giving me some trouble. -you can clip the final video to remove extra stuff at the end and the beginning using Windows Movie Maker (free) --Note that I like to have about 10 seconds of the dvd menu after the movie credits just so I have a record of what the menu was like.