++ Network portal 11-11-13 Location of some network datasets sources of network data download networks example networks -http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mejn/netdata/ --[description of networks collected by Mark Newman at umich link 04-26-2014d1643] -http://konect.uni-koblenz.de/networks/ --[Konect network website 06-22-2014d1629] --this source is nice because it has a lot of stats about the network --spreadsheet of konect networks ---"C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\DR\2014\04-16-2014d1944\Konect Website Networks 04-16-2014d1944.xlsx" -http://snap.stanford.edu/data/ -[papers and books about networks portal 04-26-2014d1640] Information about author of Networks: An Introduction (Mark Newman) -http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mejn/ -Difference between exponential roadmap and scale free airport networks --"C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2013\11-11-13\difference between exponential roadmap and scale free airport networks" -Complex Networks: Small-world, scale-free and beyond --Complex Networks c Small-world, scale-free and beyond --"C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2013\11-11-13\difference between exponential roadmap and scale free airport networks\Complex Networks c Small-world, scale-free and beyond.pdf" Interesting paper about networks of languages (how to turn a language into a network or how to turn pure information into a network (basically one can find repeating information structures/motifs (e.g. words) and then determine the collocation of structures to construct a network)) -"C:\Users\kurtw_000\Box Sync\DocDR\2014\03-20-2014d1652\Complex networks and human language.pdf" some interesting reading related to networks here C:\Users\kurtw_000\Box Sync\DocDR\2013\11-22-13 Personal analysis of some network datasets -[Personal analysis of some network datasets 11-11-13] -[Network metrics portal 03-07-2014d1503] Code to analyze networks here -[Graph Analysis code 06-18-2014d1719] --------- See also -[Metric for Optimal Health of a Complex Adaptive System] -[Some traits of complex adaptive systems 10-18-2014d1431] -[power laws portal 03-21-2014d1358] -[scale-free network portal 05-04-2014d1702] -[Network graph libraries 05-21-2014d2151] -[shortest paths portal 06-04-2014d1652] -[how to generate all possible networks of a given size 05-30-2015d2156]