azim58 - Interesting Aging Articles-Papers see also -[Some notable aging research papers 06-14-2014d1609] 05-23-2015d1843 senolytic drugs and chemotherapy -Drugs that dramatically increase healthy lifespan discovered by Scripps Research, Mayo Clinic - - 05-19-2015d1651 - 04-04-2015d1158 -Tumour mutations harnessed to build cancer vaccine -- 03-08-2015d1101 -[Comparative analysis of genome maintenance genes in naked mole rat, mouse, and human] 01-18-2015d1631 -Elimination of Unfit Cells Maintains Tissue Health and Prolongs Lifespan -- -- --talks about the azot gene 11-28-14 [Synthetic Biology] Workshop about Networks Analysis, tools in Biosciences, April 20-24, Spain -this is in Barcelona -in my yahoomail 11-23-14 "No benefit to survival from injections of young blood plasma provided to old mice" 11-23-14 "Using olfactory bulb cells to treat spinal injury" 10-4-14 combination gene therapy to slow aging - -This research proposal comes from scientists associated with the Russian language advocacy community and the Science for Life Extension Foundation - -Science for life extension foundation website: 9-17-14 some aging articles from Juanma Telomerase at the intersection of cancer and aging Potential of telomerase activation in extending health span and longevity Conditional TRF1 knockout in the hematopoietic compartment leads to bone marrow failure and recapitulates clinical features of dyskeratosis congenita -C:\ativ6_storage\2014\9-17-14 --temp link that will change 9-4-14 Dose escalation for autoimmunity Sequential transcriptional changes dictate safe and effective antigen-specific immunotherapy 8-31-14 Helix Nanotechnologies; HelixNano -making DNA intelligent -- --HelixNano is a ground-breaking life sciences company. We are developing a molecular tape recorder that collects data inside cells and writes the information on a synthetic DNA tape. Application areas include drug discovery, personalized medicine and synthetic biology. --came from singularity university 08-24-2014d1633 -Young blood to be used in ultimate rejuvenation trial --blood from humans under 30 will be given to older humans with alzheimer's. The trial starts in October -- 07-13-2014d1526 -The metabolite α-ketoglutarate extends lifespan by inhibiting ATP synthase and TOR -Nature June 2014 UCLA - -"C:\Users\kurtw_000\Box Sync\DocDR\2014\07-13-2014d1530\The metabolite α-ketoglutarate extends lifespan by inhibiting ATP synthase and TOR.pdf" -article from Stephen -q --lifespan 10–13 . We show that a-KG inhibits ATP synthase and, similar to ATP synthase knockdown, inhibition by a-KG leads to reduced ATP content, decreased oxygen consump-tion, and increased autophagy in both C. elegans and mammalian cells. We provide evidence that the lifespan increase by a-KG requires ATP synthase subunit b and is dependent on target of rapamycin (TOR) downstream. 05-14-2014d1105 -[Restoring Systemic GDF11 Levels Reverses Age-Related Dysfunction in Mouse Skeletal Muscle] -- --Young blood makes old mice more youthful --first found article from Stephen 03-22-2014d1501 -[Declining NAD+ Induces a Pseudohypoxic State Disrupting Nuclear-Mitochondrial Communication during Aging] 9-15-13 [The Hallmarks of Aging] 1-8-13 The ageing immune system-is it ever too old to become young again 7-2-12 How bioinformatics can help reverse engineer human aging How bioinformatics (annotated) can help reverse engineer human aging.pdf "C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2014\01-19-2014d1132\01-19-2014d1325\How bioinformatics (annotated) can help reverse engineer human aging.pdf" =========================================================================== Sirtuin article recommended by Danielle 2-22-12 =========================================================================== Transplanted Young Stem Cells Prolong Health and Lifespan in Aging Animals