Graph Analysis code 06-18-2014d1719 graph analysis project GraphAnalysisProject This is code to analyze graphs -Versions of code --code as of 05-13-2015d0946 ---continued working on graph reducer code. Originally I was thinking I would remove edges and nodes proportionally. However, now I think I will just remove edges, and a node will be considered to be removed if there are no more edges going to it. --code as of 05-01-2015d1810 --- ---the first thing I wanted to start changing with this code was to add a class to reduce the size of graphs as an approximate version of the whole original large graph ---I left off with this code writing some code that would remove both edges and nodes proportionally. However, now I think I will just remove edges, and a node will be considered to be removed if there are no more edges going to it. --code as of 05-01-2015d0951 --- ---no real change was made to the code. All I did was move the location onto my desktop hard drive. Then I set up some syncing with a synced_code folder at the root location of the c drive on multiple computers. --this is code before attempts were made to write code to reduce the size of graphs as an approximation --code as of 02-11-2015d1452 ---C:\Users\Kurt Whittemore\Documents\DR\2015\2 February\02-08-2015d2224\GraphAnalysisProject\02-11-2015d1452\GAP --code as of 02-11-2015d1451 ---C:\Users\Kurt Whittemore\Documents\DR\2015\2 February\02-08-2015d2224\GraphAnalysisProject\02-11-2015d1447\GraphAnalysisProject ---this is the code before I started to modify things to try to make the filepaths work in Linux --code as of 11-05-2014d1045. Just setting the code up so that it uses relative paths to the jar files and it is easy to start using the code in Eclipse on other computers ---C:\Sync\pDR\2014\2014\11-05-2014d1037\GraphAnalysisProject ----on Samsung Ativ laptop code is here (synced using BitTorrent Sync): C:\Users\Kurt Whittemore\Documents\DR\2015\2 February\02-08-2015d2224\GraphAnalysisProject --code as of 08-03-2014d1551. Just backing up the code before I reinstalled eclipse ---"C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\pDR\2014\08-03-2014d1552\GraphAnalysis" --code as of 06-26-2014d0005. In this version of the code I had two power law exponent methods and I wanted to delete one ---"C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\pDR\2014\06-26-2014d0006\GraphAnalysis" --code as of 06-18-2014d1810. In this version of the code I have cleaned everything up and removed unnecessary and messy code. ---C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\pDR\2014\06-18-2014d1715\06-18-2014d1809\GraphAnalysis --code as of 06-18-2014d1720. In this version of the code I just barely figured out a way to calculate search information quickly, but I had not cleaned up my code. ---"C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\pDR\2014\06-18-2014d1715\GraphAnalysis" Some links -[GraphManager Class portal 02-17-2014d2217] -[NonNetworkDataHandler portal 11-07-2014d1010]