Data Backup records portal 12-17-2013d0949 backup hard drive. .back up hard drive. .copy hard drive. .copy files Note about backup process -My home desktop computer hp (HPE-510Y Desktop or HP Pavilion Elite) can't seem to recognize both 1.5 TB WD My Passport drives at the same time. Therefore, be careful about this issue when trying to backup files. -Note that when copying a very large folder in windows 8, the os may take a little while to "download" the command to the clipboard before you can paste. -6-9-15 --copied storage. There were no errors! -05-09-2015d2315 --copied storage. There were no errors! -4-5-15 --copied storage. There were no errors! -02-10-2015d1014 --copied storage. There were no errors! Well there was an error that a gs_data file was no longer there, but that shouldn't be an issue because those are just temporary sync files -02-08-2015d0850 --copied storage. I wanted to identify which files were the 3 with the same names. The files had the name mhv-gf~1.pdf from 5/21/14. I renamed all of the mhv-g files I could find so that there was no ~ in the name and they all had different numbers. ---screenshot of error here: C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\DR\2015\02 February\02-08-2015d0847\copy error -02-05-2015d1108 --copied storage. The copy had some errors with gene expression microarray data loctaed here: ---microarray analysis results ----"C:\Sync\cnio\lgdata_DR\2015\01 January\01-22-2015d1728\trf1 embryo gene expression data\microarray results 01-28-2015d1039" --I'll have to fix this problem later. Also there were 3 files with the same names. -01-20-2015d1223 --copied storage. The copy went well with no errors! Well, there were 3 files with the same names. . probably just a little copying glitch. Maybe I can remember to investigate this next time. -12-21-2014d0933 --copied storage. I fixed more than 100 files with long filepaths before copying. The copying went well with few errors. There were a few errors about some files that were no longer in a sync folder, but I don't think that is a big deal. There were also some errors about 3 files that had the same names or something. -11-03-2014d2320 --copied storage. there were some errors (less than 20) -pre 08-05-2014d2231 --tried to copy files. there were several emails due to long filenames in gmail backup. As of 08-05-2014d2231, I went back and fixed all of the long filenames. Hopefully, there are no problems when copying next time. ---Actually. . . There's still 100 files with path lengths that are too long! I'll need to go back and revisit this issue. ----I fixed all of the files! Every file in the Gmail backup folder has a filepath less than 255 char! -05-05-2014d0821 --copied storage and wiki to external hard drive without errors! --copied CIM DR to shared drive and wiki. There were a few errors due to long filenames, but I don't think this is too big of a problem. -04-23-2014d1438 --copied storage to external hard drive without errors! ---[information about solution 04-23-2014d1439] -04-21-2014d0820 --copied wiki and storage. copied DR and wiki to shared drive --obtained the same 3 errors that I got last time ---C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\DR\2014\04-22-2014d1334\copy errors ---I posted about this issue on cnet forums ----;createThreadPopup -04-06-2014d0942 --copied wiki, and storage, and DR to shared drive --there were three errors, but I don't understand why they occurred because the files don't seem to exist. ---images of the errors found here: C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\DR\2014\04-07-2014d1057\errors --DR to shared drive had some trouble at first. see [dr to shared drive trouble 04-07-2014d2112] -03-08-2014d1039 --the previous backup was to the wrong 1.5 TB hard drive (the one already attached to the computer rather than the firesafe one). I performed the backup again. --wiki took about 1 min to backup --storage took about 3-4 hours --I think I've fixed all errors so there shouldn't be any errors next time I think. ---screenshots of errors here: C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\DR\2014\03-08-2014d1050\backup errors -03-06-2014d1401 Backup performed --storage took about 3-4 hours to backup --wiki took about 1 min to backup --there were 13 errors. I think I fixed 9 of them so there should be 4 errors left next time maybe. { -"road networkSentropy of california road network.txt" -"of random internet network.txt" -"protein interaction network.txt" -"ram test.txt" -"program testing 11-13-13Smore ram test.txt" -"If i allow youtube to put advertisements" -"tumor-specific immunological recognition of frameshift-mutated" -"Conditional TRF1 knockout in the hematopoietic" } ---screenshots of backup records here (I think I forgot to paste the screenshot in some of the images so some of them are just the same): "C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\DR\2014\03-06-2014d1414\errors" -01-07-2014d1135 Backup performed --wiki takes about 1 m to backup --storage takes about 2.5 hr to backup ---several files gave problems { -Autoantibody signatures involving glycolysis and splicesome proteins precede a diagnosis of breast cancer among postmenopausal women -Bioinformatic requirements for protein database searching using predicted epitopes from disease-associated antibodies -Crystal structure of a phage library-derived I missed two others. . } --old storage takes about 6m to delete -12-17-2013d0949 Backup performed --wiki takes about 30s to backup --storage takes about 2hr10m to backup ---There were some problems with the storage backup. Several runtime txt files generated by a Java program had file names that were too long to be copied. I have deleted these files. Screenshots of the filenames are found below. ----"C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2013\12-17-2013d0903\files that did not copy properly" --------- see also -[My personal data management 12-01-2013d1237] -[long filenames in windows]